The 2011 Budget which Congress is voting on this week will have no funding for HUD Housing Counseling.This means that, in the middle of the housing crisis, the funding which goes to local HUD approved housing counseling agencies, intermediaries, and state housing finance agencies for prepurchase, rental, reverse mortgage, and foreclosure counseling will not be available.  

WHAT YOU CAN DO:  Call your Congressperson, your two Senators, and the White House and tell them to restore the $88 million for HUD Housing Counseling in the 2011 Budget.  The vote is happening this week, so you need to call TODAY.


House of Representatives:  1-800-962-3524  ask for your Representative

Senate: 1-800-962-3524  ask for both your Senators

White House: 1-202 456 1414  ask for the Comment Line
This will not be overturned unless there is a major outcry against these cuts.  CALL RIGHT AWAY.  Say no to cutting the $88 million in HUD Housing Counseling funding.

Please circulate this information to others who can call.